Adult learner

Someone who has turned 19 years old and then in the following calendar year enrols or is enrolled in secondary school. This excludes students who are considered to require special education under the Education and Training Act 2020.

For example, if someone was at school and turned 19 years old on 31 March 2022, they will only be considered an adult learner for the period that they are enrolled in secondary school from 2023 onwards.


Calendar year

A calendar year is the 12-month period from 1 January to 31 December.


The amount of Fees Free entitlement learners have left over after their first calendar year of study. This amount may be used in future years.

Compulsory course costs

Compulsory course costs are the fees charged by a provider for a course, on top of tuition fees. These include examination fees, costs of field trips, costs associated with the compulsory purchase of equipment or books through the tertiary provider, and other compulsory charges associated with a course. These fees are covered by Fees Free. You may still need to pay other optional and occasional fees.


How much Fees Free entitlement learners have used.


DQ3-7 fund

The Delivery at Levels 3–7 (non-degree) on the New Zealand Qualifications and Credentials Framework and all industry training (DQ3-7) fund is the dollar amount the Government pays towards the cost of teaching and learning services for learners enrolled in Levels 3–7 non-degree study and training at tertiary education organisations (TEOs).

It is separate to the amount your TEO charges in fees and to your Fees Free entitlement.

DQ7+ fund

The Delivery at Level 7 (degree) and above on the New Zealand Qualifications and Credentials Framework (DQ7+) fund is the dollar amount the Government pays towards the cost of teaching and learning services for learners enrolled in degree and post-graduate level study at tertiary education organisations (TEOs).

It is separate to the amount your TEO charges in fees and to your Fees Free entitlement.



The amount of study or training an eligible learner is able to get fees-free.

Find out more about how much study or training you can get fees-free.

Equivalent full-time student (EFTS)

EFTS is the unit measurement that is used to work out your study workload. One EFTS is usually equal to one year of full-time study, or approximately 120 credits/points.

Most individual courses that go towards making up a qualification are worth 0.125 EFTS, or 15 credits/points.

Your tertiary education organisation will tell us how many EFTS you’re enrolled in, and we’ll use this to track how much of your Fees Free entitlement you have used.